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Lower Huron Metro Park
September 13, 14 & 15, 2024

At the Tougher Scout Challenge you and your Patrol mates will have the chance to compete for who is the Tougher Scout Patrol competing an a bunch of activities based on the many Scout First Class Skills.

  • First Aid
  • Orienteering
  • Outdoor Ethics
  • Cooking
  • Knife & Axe
  • Plant & Animal Identification
  • Canoe Races
  • Foot Races



For 35 years Troop 179 has hosted Webelosfest, an outstanding experience for area Webelos. With the introduction of the new Cub Scout Program in 2024 we’ve included all Cub Scouts! Cub Scout Field Day is delivered by the Scouts of Troop and Crew 179, a widely known and successful youth-led Scouts BSA Troop and Venture Crew. Cub Scouts are exposed to Scouts and Venturers aged 11 to 21 presenting and leading small group activities that reinforce many of Scouting core skills and values. Cub Scout Field Day is designed to be a fun and exciting event that we hope will inspire the Cub Scouts to continue in Scouting and eventually join a Scouts BSA troop in their community.


At Cub Scout Field Day . . .

At Cub Scout Field Day Our Scouts and Leaders will host all Cub Scouts (Lions to AOLs) with the many different Activity Areas!








AOL & Webelos Specific Activities!


November 1, 2 & 3, 3034
Kensington Group Camp

Be Prepared is the Motto of Scouting America and on this weekend we will practice Being Prepared for anything that comes along including:

Home kitchen fire
Home basement/storage room/garage fire
Explosion in the home
Automobile crash
Weather Emergencies
Violence in a public place

Emergency Practice Drill

Many of our activities will be a part of Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge!


DECEMBER 6 - 7, 2024

GAMESFEST is a Troop 179 Tradition! Scouts bring their games to share with their patrols. Every game is included: Card Games, Video Games, Board Games and much more. Gamesfest also offers movies and lots of great gamming food.

Games and activities include Video Game Contests, live action games, Magic Contest and more!

Following Gamesfest Troop & Crew 179 will participate in the Farmington Chamber of Commerce's "Light Up the Grand" event on December 7th. Hundreds of people come out all decorated in lights all over their bodies and props and walk through the Downtown area on Grand River ending at the Governor Warner's Mansion for the annual Farmington Tree Lighting. We will meet outside the Chamber's Offices at 32780 Grand River Avenue at 4:45 pm. Meet up with Associate Adviser, Connie Knie (she'll be the one pulling a campfire in her wagon). Uniforms are not required, come as you are with lots of lights!


JANUARY 24 - 26, 2025

We travel to Michigan Crossroads Council's Camp Rotary in Clare, Michigan. We will sleep and eat in warm cabins and have fun outdoors.

At the Winter Sports weekend THERE WILL BE OPTIONS TO try out Snow Shoeing, Cross Country Skiing, Down Hill Skiing, Snow Boarding, Sledding, Snow Tubbing, and more! There will also be Merit Badges to work on along with board games and card games.


FEBRUARY 8-9, 2025

After the holidays, everyone was waiting for spring to arrive and the plants to grow again. But this year a second winter came, and it was far worse than the first! Instead of blue snow, there was a freezing ice storm! The land, the water, and even the air were covered in a deadly sheet of frozen ice. The camp was stuck for the winter, and no supplies could get in or out. It got so cold that the Ax-men all grew full-length beards to keep warm – even the women! Paul Bunyan got so cold he made a hat out of a sleeping grizzly bear and shoved sheep up his sleeves for lining. Sourdough Sam had no flour left for Flapjacks and he had to boil everybody’s boots! They ate soup from the broth, and used the leather to make boot jerky.

At the 179 Wicked Winter Challenge you will hike everything into camp for 1 mile using a backpack or a sled. You must stay outdoors for a period of 24 hours, all cooking must be done outdoors. You must build a shelter to weather the snow and ice. After all that you will earn the 179 Wicked Winter Polar Bear Patch. Are you ready for the challenge?


March 1, 2025

It is the vision of the Scouting of America to be the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. It is the success of this vision that the Scouting America has built their reputation as one of the finest organizations that a young person can belong to in their teenage years. A very important part of the experience that all Scouts should take advantage of is the many Leadership training courses that are offered. All Scouts should strive to complete the National Leadership Training Continuum that includes Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops and Crews (ILS); the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) – a week long course conducted by the Michigan Crossroads Council (https://michiganscouting.org/general-resources/youth-leader-training/); and finally the National Advance Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) – a week long course conducted at the Philmont Training Center and the Summit (https://www.scouting.org/programs/scouts-bsa/troop-resources/nayle/).

On this day we will conduct Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), all Patrol and Troop Officers who are in Middle School is invited to join us for the ILST. All  Venturers and Paul Bunyan Members who are in High School are invited to attend the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC) Course.

We will hold a special Patrol Leader's Council meeting to conduct our Annual Planning Conference in the evening prior to departure.

GUESTS: 179 does allow other Scouts and Venturers to join us for the ILST course (Middle School Scouts) and the ILSC Course (High School Scouts). Their Program will end before 5:00 pm at  the conclusion of the Training. Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Training Materials Included.



MARCH 14 - 16, 2025

At the Clash Royale Camp each Patrol will form a team and will head out to capture the other teams Tower while protecting their own. The Patrol with the most Towers captured wins the game.

At D-bar-A we will stay in cabins, but cook outdoors. As their first official 179 Camp our New Scouts will learn about camping with the troop and how to stay safe.



APRIL 25 - 27, 2025

We will visit the nations largest Airforce Base and watch aircraft take off and land! 

Our plans are to camp at a near-by Scout Camp in Dayton called Cricket Holler Scout Camp where we will stay in tents and Troop Cook all of our meals.

In the morning we will hike the five mile Wright Memorial Trail (all hikers will get a patch and a medal). Then after lunch we will travel to the National Museum of the United States Air Force. This is the best air and space museum in the nation. Every visitor to the museum will receive a set of "Dog Tags" with their name on them.

Wright-Patterson is in Dayton, Ohio (approximately 3.5 hours from Farmington Hills). Our plans are to transport Scouts and Venturers in rented large capacity vans leaving at 4:00 pm from the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington. Bring a snack with you for the ride to Dayton. We will set up at our campsite and then serve a hot dinner around 9:00 pm. We will have two leaders driving each van. With approximately six vans that will cover 12 leaders. Additional leaders and adults will need to make their own arrangements for transportation to Wright-Patterson. we will have leaders hauling at least two trailers and I am sure they will have room for additional adults.

We will plan to leave Dayton at 10:00 am which should put us back at the church by 3:00 pm and will stop for Lunch along the way.

Youth should bring money with them if they want to purchase souvenirs at the museum gift shop and some for a fast food lunch on Sunday.


May 16 - 18, 2025


One of our favorite camps of the year. We will train in the proper, safe handling of all kinds of rifles, shotguns, hand guns*, archery, knife and axe throwing. We spend the whole day at the ranges and every Scout has time to shoot as much as they like. Opportunity for shooting merit badges.


JUNE 6 - 8, 2025


Bring the whole family! Our annual Canoe Camp has us trekking the Rifle River and hiking the trails of Cole Canoe Base. New Scouts get a first look at the place we'll spend the week of Summer Camp. All of our families (parents & siblings) will be a part of our Cub Scout Encampment making it so they do not have to be a registered leader. So just sign up and we got you covered.

Our Ventures spend the weekend taking on the Rifle River Gauntlet ran by the Michigan Crossroads Council Venture Officer Association.


JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2025


The Best Week of the Year

Each year our troop goes to Summer Camp for the most fun and learning a Scout can get. Everything that Scouting promises its members can be found at Summer Camp. Every Scout from the newest member to the seven year veteran should attend Camp!

This year Troop 179 will attend the Edward N. Cole Canoe Base. Cole has the biggest Scout and Venture program in the State of Michigan. While at Cole most Scouts will achieve at least one rank. With more than 70 Merit Badges to choose from there is plenty to do. Merit Badges are not the only requirements we work on though. There is no better place than summer camp to work on Leadership and Scout Spirit requirements.



If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Chuck Williams

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