Another way to help pay for your Scouting Program is to sell popcorn. This year we are encouraging to sell using the online account and app.
There are four ways to sell Trail's End Popcorn
Storefront Sales: Involves coordinating booths in high foot traffic locations throughout your community. Begin the reservation process early (we suggest starting in August) to reserve the best locations. It is best practice to have ONE Scout and ONE parent at each shift to cover more shifts during the course of the sale.
Wagon Sales: Involves the scout bringing product door-to-door to customer residences to ask for support. This method is preferred for neighborhoods close to home. A large percentage of home-owners say that no one has ever come to their door, missing this great opportunity. Product is carried along in a wagon or vehicle, making it a quick and easy process for the customer.
Online Sales: Online Direct sales are easier than ever for scouts to sell virtually to friends, family and face-to-face. New functionality records Online Direct sales in the app. The product ships to the customer, and it’s the SAFEST fundraising option for a unit. Families setup their Trail’s End account by downloading the Trail’s End App. They record sales directly in the app or share the virtual store to customers via email, social media, and text message. Customers pay via credit/debit securely, and the products ship directly to them from Trail’s End. There’s no work for the kernel, and they can fundraise year-round!
Take Orders: Each scout collects orders in the App or Order Form and delivers on hand product or marks product as “undelivered” (to be delivered later). This can be taken through neighborhoods, to parents’ co-workers, friends, and family. It is at the Scout's discretion whether money is collected up front or upon delivery, but the Trail's End App only tracks paid orders. Download and use the Take Order Form below, All forms are due at the October 24, 2024. Take Order Popcorn distribution aligns with the Wreath Sales on November 23, 2024.
Greetings from your Popcorn Kernel::
Popcorn season is here. We are starting popcorn sales earlier this year and are set to go.
As in years previously, we are using Trail’s End (https://www.trails-end.com/) to track sales, inventory and any rewards your Scout earns. You can also download a mobile app.
Please make sure your Scout is registered in Trail’s End if you intend to sell popcorn this year. You can sell popcorn online, through booth sales, through wagon sales or through sheet orders. A reminder to pick our District (Ottawa) and our Unit (Troop 179, not Pack 179).
- On Trail’s End app you can set goals, sign up for booth sales and get a link for online sales. There are resources to help sell there, too!
- I have ordered an assortment of popcorn for the Troop and have a limited amount for booth sales and wagon sales.
- I have a banner and can loan out our table for booth sales. Just coordinate with me if/when you need.
- There are several booth sales opportunities I’ve booked and available on Trail’s End.
- You can also book your own storefront sale, or neighborhood/church sale with permission of the organization. Just enter the location manually so you can get credit.
- Popcorn can also be used for wagon sales. Again, those interested please coordinate with me.
- On our DoubleKnot site, in the popcorn folder, you can find take forms for door-to-door sales. If you choose this route, the deadline to return the forms to me is Oct. 24, 2024.
- I’m planning to coordinate your popcorn pickup with the wreaths. More details to come.
- I will let the Troop know when more popcorn is available at my house.
- I’m best at 248-910-0343, ron.recinto@yahoo.com
- My address is 31140 Berryhill Drive, Farmington Hills, 48331 for pickups/returns.
179 Popcorn Kernel: Ron Recinto (ron.recinto@yahoo.com)
Download Forms: Take Order Form / Popcorn Product Flyer