Financial Responsibility Policy
Annual Budget: Each year the Scoutmaster submits a budget identifying all of the funds that will be needed for the year. This budget is then reviewed by the parents committee and adopted by the parents at the Annual Parents Meeting in August. At that time the total of the budget is divided by the membership and an amount is agreed upon that each member will be responsible for paying. The total of the budget obligation must be paid by January 30 of the current year.
Scout Accounts: The troop treasury maintains a Scout Account for each youth member of the Troop and Crew. All monies paid by parents or raised by the youth feeds into this account. All expenses such as the Annual Budget and Activity Fees are withdrawn from the account. It is the members responsibility to keep this account up to date with payments maintaining either a zero or positive balance. If the balance is in the rears a Scout or Venturer may be suspended from activities until payment is made. The Accounts Treasurer sends out statements monthly. Scouts with negative balances in their ISAs will be notified of the delinquency via e-mail. If delinquency levels exceed $50, the Scout will be precluded from advancement or participation in Troop activities other than meetings.
Fund Raising: Our main fund-raising project is the selling of Christmas Wreaths in the fall of each year. The wreaths average a 50% return to the Scouts which goes to their Scout Account with the Troop. In 2020 the amount that each member had to raise for the budget was $450.00. To do this each member needed to sell $900.00 worth of Christmas Wreaths or 33 of the common sized wreaths. After selling $900.00 worth of wreaths everything the Scout sells goes to the Scout’s accounts which can be used to pay for troop Activities.
Alternate fund raisers happen throughout the year and have a range of products and services to offer in order for the member to raise money such as Trails End Popcorn. When participating in these fund raisers, 100% of the profit goes directly into the Scouts account to be used to either pay for activities or help if there is a short fall in the wreath sales.
Membership Fees: Each year the Troop and Crew will collect a “Membership Fees” equal to the amount of money need to register the Scout of Venturer in the Boy Scouts of America and Michigan Crossroads Council. These fees are collected in August/September.
Activities Fees: Troop 179 sets a price for the Activity Fee at the Annual Parents Meeting in August. In most cases throughout the year the fee does not pay for the full cost of individual activity and the difference is made up through the Troop Budget. This is done so that you will pay the same fee for each activity the troop holds. It is expected that you will pay for each activity before your Scout attends the activity. If you register your Scout to attend an activity and then have to cancel after the Activity Registration Close Date in most instances the fee cannot be refunded; the money is already spent.
Questions or Concerns: Any exceptions to the above policies will require prior approval by the Troop Committee Chairman, Charter Organization Representative and Scoutmaster.