Troop/Crew 179 Rules & Regulations (Download a Printable Version of the Rules & Regulations) 
Section I Affiliations
- Troop and Crew 179 is chartered by the Ottawa District, Michigan Crossroads Council, Central Region (Area two), Boy Scouts of America.
- Troop and Crew 179 is sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington.
- Troop and Crew Color is Blue & Red
- Troop and Crew totem is Babe, the blue ox. Babe was selected in 1968 to go along with our first Patrol the Paul Bunyan’s.
Section II Membership - Joining Requirements
- Scouts BSA must be either
- Youth must be a minimum of 11 years of age or
- Must have graduated the 5th Grade or
- Is a former Cub Scout and has earned the Arrow of Light Award
- Venturers must be either
- Youth must be a minimum of 14 years of age or
- Must have completed the 8th Grade
- Complete the Boy Scouts of America application and pay the membership fee.
- Purchase a Full Officially Licensed Scout BSA or Venturing Field Uniform.
- Purchase a Scouts BSA Handbook.
- Meet the joining requirements as detailed in the Scouts BSA Handbook.?
- Aging Out
- Scouts, BSA members age out at 18 years of age and cannot earn ranks after that date
- Venturers age out at 21 years of age and cannot earn recognition after that date
- Staying on once a youth has turned 18
- Any youth (boy or girl) that reaches the age of 18 and would like to continue in the Scouts BSA Troop or Venture Crew may do so by becoming an Assistant Scoutmaster in the troop and working as a volunteer fulfilling all requirement of the Assistant Scoutmaster position
- Continuing as an Assistant Scoutmaster is conditional on the approval of the Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chairman, and the Chartered Organization Representative.
- As a volunteer the assistant Scoutmaster is no longer obligated to any membership dues or financial requirements.
- Financial Responsibility
- The Scoutmaster will be required to provide and annual budget to the parents and committee members enrolled in the Troop and Venture Crew.
- The Budget is divided by the number of members and the resulting sum becomes an annual financial obligation each member is required to pay.
- The parents and committee members may decide to asses a dues to be paid in cash to reduce the members annual obligation.
- The parents and committee members may decide to collect fees for attendance at activities to reduce the members annual obligation.
- The parents and committee members must provide opportunities for members to raise funds to pay the annual financial obligation as well as any other dues and fees assessed by the parents and committee members.
- Attendance
- Like any other organization we depend and plan on the attendance of all Scouts and Venturers. If a Scout or Venturer misses a meeting or activity their patrol (like a team) is short a person. If too many miss a meeting or activity, the patrol cannot function and our program breaks down. Because Scouting is a year-round activity, we understand that other activities can come in conflict with the troop program. Regarding sports and other school activities our policy is:
- If an infrequent event, such as a music concert or game, conflicts with our weekly meeting, the Scout should miss the troop meeting for this special event.
- However, if a weekly after school activity conflicts with a once-a-month troop activity, we feel the Scout or Venturer should attend the campout. We feel this is important as the Troop attends only one campout each month.
- If a Scout or Venturer cannot attend a meeting, they should call their Patrol Leader. If a Scout or Venturer cannot attend a Campout after registration close date, they must notify their Patrol Leader, and the Transportation Chairperson.
- Only active members will be considered eligible for awards, ranks and membership in a patrol. An active member will be defined as someone who consistently attends sixty-seven percent of the troop's activities since making the last rank.
- For active participation while serving in a leadership position, in order to be used to complete Leadership Requirements for Star, Life, or Eagle, the Scout must maintain an eighty percent attendance.
- A Scout or Venturer may be asked to report to the Patrol Leader's Council if they miss three consecutive meetings or three consecutive activities. If the Scout or Venturer fails to report to the Patrol Leader's Council, they may suspend the Scouts or Venturers membership for review by the Troop Committee.
- Participation
- The Scout will be expected to be in Full BSA Field Uniform at all Scout meetings and activities unless otherwise announced by the Senior Patrol Leader.
- As a member of a patrol and troop a Scout or Venturer will be asked to do tasks by their fellow elected Scouts. If a Scout or Venturer is insubordinate to the others they will be asked to go home.
- Scouts or Venturers who participate in High Adventure events, such as the Philmont Scout Ranch, Sea Base, or National Jamborees, are required to participate in Summer Camp. Summer Camp is considered a vital and important part of the Scouting experience that should not be missed for even one year. High Adventure activities are extra-curricular.
Section III Patrol Leader's Council (PLC) - The PLC is the governing body of the troop. Its purpose is to plan, develop and give leadership to all meetings and activities of the Troop and Venture Crew.
- Voting Members of the PLC:
- Senior Patrol Leader (Chair of the PLC)
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, New Scouts
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Traditional
- Venture Crew 179 President
- Patrol Leaders (representing their patrol)
- All other Paul Bunyan Members are considered non-voting members of the PLC
- Any Scout or Venturer may attend meetings of the Patrol Leader's Council.
- The troop will maintain a Youth Leadership Guide which details the process a youth becomes each position and the required responsibility in each position.
Section IV Officers - Charter Organization Representative (CR)
- The CR is appointed to guide the Scouting Program and make sure it is in the best interest of the Sponsor
- The CR is appointed by the Sponsor
- Scoutmaster-SM, Assistant Scoutmaster-SA, Venture Adviser-NA, Associate Venture Adviser-NL (Scoutmaster)
- The troop will maintain one Scoutmaster for every ten Youth
- The Scoutmaster is appointed to run the Scout Program utilizing the eight methods of Scouting and is the sole person in decisions pertaining to the manner in which the program is delivered
- Every Scout deserves a trained Scout leader. All 179 Scoutmasters must complete BSA training within one year of registering.
- Appointment of the Scoutmasters are done by recommendation of the Committee Chairman and approval of the Charter Organization Representative.
- Troop Committee (CC & MC)
- The troop will maintain a committee of parents and interested members of the community to decide on matters of operational policy, membership, advancement and finance.
- The committee will form a group that will support the Scoutmasters in their role as requested by the Scoutmaster.
- Every Committee Chair and Members must complete BSA training within one year of registering.
- Appointment of the Committee Chair and Committee Members are done by recommendation of the Scoutmaster and approval of the Charter Organization Representative.
Section V Meetings - The Troop meets regularly on every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. throughout the year as the Scoutmasters deems necessary to deliver the Scouting program
- The doors will be open at 7:00 p.m.
- Parents should pick up their Scout at 9:00 p.m.
- The Scoutmaster will use the actions of the Farmington Public Schools to reach a decision about canceling a meeting for severe weather reasons
- Special Meetings:
- The Troop will have three Courts of Honor each year to recognize awards the Scouts and Venturers earned since the last Court of Honor and award them to the Scouts and Venturers. All parents are encouraged to be present.
- Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meets once a month on the Tuesday following most troop activities to plan the troop and crew program. On the same night the Troop and Patrol Quartermasters meet to work with the equipment and the Scoutmasters meet to evaluate the program and our goals.
- Patrol meetings may be summoned at the convenience of the Patrol Leader or Guide. Attendance is required.
- The Troop Committee meets once a month.
- There will be at least one parent membership meeting per year.
Section VI Activities - Transportation
- Transportation will be arranged on a volunteer basis by the Transportation Chair. Parents need to volunteer to drive either to or from an activity at least every other time a Scout or Venturer attends.
- If a Scout Venturer will be arriving late or leaving early they’re parents are responsible for their transportation. Under these circumstances, the Transportation Organizer must be notified in writing prior to the campout.
- We are required to follow our sponsors rule on transporting minors: a driver must be 25 or older to transport any youth under 18 years of age. Parents must agree in writing for any Scout or Venturer to be excluded from this rule.
- All Scouts and Venturers must travel in uniform and wear seat belts while traveling.
- Scouts are expected to maintain a level of behavior that is tolerable to the leaders in charge. Fighting or lack of cooperation will result in the parents being called to come and pick up the Scout or Venturer
- At any activity or camp, youth attending must participate in the program that is planned. Failure to participate results in the parents' being called to come and pick up the youth.
- The troop/crew will cover the camping and food fees for all adults providing supervision responsibilities on activities and camps.
- Parents are welcome on campouts at any time; we can always use extra supervision. Remember campouts are learning experiences for the Scouts and Venturers and parents should refrain from helping their child too much.
- There are many State of Michigan laws and Boy Scouts of America rules that our overnight activities fall under. Parents visiting on activities should only visit their child when in open or common areas. The sleeping areas of the activity are off limits to all adults with the exception of registered leaders working with the program the youth is currently in. These adults have had extensive background checks and have served with Troop/Crew 179 for a minimum of a year and meet all the state and BSA regulations for youth protection.
- There must be at least one adult per ten youth on an activity with a minimum of two leaders.
- Prior to joining the Troop or Crew, a candidate will be limited to going on one activity.
- No firearms, fireworks, alcohol or illegal substance are permitted on campouts.
Section VII Disciplinary Problems - First time offenders will meet with the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) to provide an explanation of what happened. If found guilty of a First Offense, the Scout will be warned and a note will be attached to their records for a six-month period. As an offense constitutes a lack of Scout Spirit, it may delay any pending advancement in rank or recognitions.
- If problems continue after talking to the Scout or Venturer, the PLC can issue a Second Offense, and renew the six-month period.
- If problems persist and the PLC assigns a Third Offense to the Scout or Venturer, the PLC relinquishes responsibility to the Troop Committee. The Troop Committee will meet to determine if the Scout or Venturer will be asked to leave Troop/Crew 179.
- If the Scout or Venturer wishes to appeal any decision of the PLC they may appeal with their parents to the Troop Committee.
- The Scoutmasters will keep the parents apprised of any discipline problems and what the troop/crew has determined to be the consequence of the problem.
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