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DoubleKnot is our website host that has tools for maintaining our contact list, communications, and activity registration. This section will hopefully help you to learn to set-up and gain access to all of its features. The Web Site: www.bsatroop179.org will come up looking like the picture above and allows the public access to learn about 179, gives access to our calendar, and how to join us information.

Website Member Access

To gain access to more you will have to get login credentials and the easiest way is to use the link right under the top menu bar “REQUEST MEMBER ACCESS”. Clicking on the link will allow you to send an email to request access to the members’ area. The request is then sent to the Scoutmaster who approves it and gives your account permissions; after he is done you will receive an email with your username and password. Usually the Scoutmaster automatically does this when members first join.

After you receive the email go back to the website (www.bsatroop179.org) and click the “Members Login” either on the top menu or at the left feature list. Enter the username and password given and press login. The first time you do this you will be asked to change your password to something more memorable and then it will return you to the home page. You are now logged in as a DoubleKnot “Troop 179 Member”.

My Account Profile

Going to the account settings is where you will find your personal information. To do this first go to the website (www.bsatroop179.org) and log in for member’s access. Look in the upper-right area of the home page and in small letters you will see "Welcome (your first name). Under that is two links "Log Off" and "My Account" Select the "My Account" link. 

On this page you will see a row of tabs, SUMMARY | SUBSCRIPTIONS | REGISTRATIONS | GROUPS | PURCHASE | PROFILE | MANAGE PAYMENTS. Select the "Profile" tab. This setting lets you do two things of importance.

First fill in or edit the fields on the page you're looking at. This information is what other members see when looking you up in the Members Directory. The only required fields are the First & Last Names and the "Primary Email" field. Along the top of the page, you will also see a link to "Change User ID and/or Password". Using that link will allow you to select a new user name and password that is more memorable for you

Next, looking at the other tabs, you should find:

Subscriptions: This allows you to choose different email lists you want to hear from. New Parents should be sure that "New Scout Program" and "Troop 179 General Mailings" are both checked off.

Registrations: will contain a list of all registrations you have made on DoubleKnot. To edit you select the "View Details" links. Once the individual registration comes up you want to "Update" the registration and go through all the steps of the particular registration. To edit a registration, you can also contact the Scoutmaster or 179transportation@gmail.com and just describe the change that needs changing. In this area you can also make a payment if you would like.

The GROUPS | PURCHASES | MANAGE PAYMENTS tabs do not apply to most Troop 179 operations.

Membership Directory

Go to the website (www.bsatroop179.org) and log in for member’s access. On the left menu bar (Feature List) look for Constituent Directory and select the link.

You can hit the "Search" button and you will see all 150 plus members of the troop, or you can enter all or some of a members last name. Hit the "Search" button and it will return only members with that last name.

A couple things to keep in mind. You are only able to view other members with website access (most all of our Scouts has at least one parent with access). Many Scouts have parents with last names different than their own. You can only view information about a member that the member has put in their profile.

How to Register for an Activity

Go to the website (www.bsatroop179.org) and log in for member’s access. Select the “Calendar” link in the top menu bar. Look for the date of the activity and on that date select the link for the activity. You will see a page describing the activity. At the bottom of this page select the “Register” button.

The first screen is looking for who the person is that is doing the registration. You can enter your Last Name and hit search. It should bring up a list of accounts, look for yours and hit select.

The next page asks how many participants you would like to register (usually 1). This includes Scouts, Adults and Siblings if applicable. That will bring up a text box asking for information about the participant. The only required fields are First Name and Last Name. You can also click the link "Add someone I've signed up before"  and a pop-up will come up with information stored about previous participants.

Press the "Continue" button and you will see a list of your participants in your "Shopping Cart". If the activity is looking for more information you will see forms needing to be filled out. Click on the forms name and complete the answers asked. For overnight activities you will see a transportation form that will ask your preferences on how your participant will get to and from the activity.

Depending on the activity you may be asked additional questions about the event.  Answer as required for each participant, including the adults.  This is where you will note transportation needs for your Scout as well.

Press the "Checkout" button and the next page confirms information about the purchaser (it is pre-filled out form your profile); Next choose your payment option (choose the mailbox option if you want to submit payment in person at a meeting). Click the "Complete Order" button and you are done.

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Chuck Williams

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