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At our Tuesday Meetings (September 24 and October 1) we will get prepared for our weekend Camp. AOLs will form a Patrol of 6 to 10 Scouts and a Troop Guide from 179 will conduct a meeting where the AOLs will choose a patrol name, elect a Patrol Leader, make a patrol flag, patrol yell and complete all Bobcat requirements. We will also do work on the Outdoor Adventure. Be Prepared to learn from the 179 Scouts how Scouts go Camping!

At Camp With Your Patrol — Each of our new AOL Patrol will set up camp with the Scouts of Troop 179. You will be assigned both camping and cooking equipment for your patrol including a Patrol Dining Fly and Full Camp Kitchen. You will spend the weekend camping together, cooking together and participating just like all our Troop 179 Patrols do.

Rope Work — Tying knots has been a core Scout Skill since the start of the movement. We will demonstrate how to tie knots and their uses. Scouts will learn the Square Knot, Two-Half Hitches, and Taut-line Hitch. We will also learn to whip and fuse rope.

Fire Building — Your AOL Patrol will learn how to build a safe fire area, what kinds of wood are the best to burn, the difference between tinder, kindling, and fuel, and traditional Scout fire lies. Each Patrol will have the opportunity to build and start a fire to use for cooking lunch.

Land Navigation — Your AOL Patrol will learn about how to use a compass including following a baring. We will play a beginners compass game.


Webelos Walkabout Adventure — During the morning Webelos will work on the Webelos Walkabout Adventure. We will prepare and plan a 2-mile hike. You wil learn some First Aid for hiking related injuries and finish by taking your hike.


At Cub Scout Field Day you will do activities that include learning new skills.

Range & Target Activities of all kinds We will have BB Gun Shooting, Archery, and Sling Shots all led by our Nationally certified Shooting Sports Team. This event is sanctioned by the Michigan Crossroads Council as a District Event. we will have counselors there to earn an elective Adventure in all Range Disciplines.

Fishing will also be available at the Cub Scout Field Day. Cub Scouts can earn the Fishing adventure belt loop as well. Den Leaders be sure to look over the requirements so that you can mentor your Scouts with help from our Staff.

Branding & Leather-working: A Webelosfest original, the Cub Scouts will receive a piece of leather to make into a necklace decorating it by either using one of our 179 branding irons and/or using leather tolling punch dies.

Cake Baking: The Cub Scouts will have the opportunity to spend time with our Scout BSA Patrols Join our newest 179 Scouts and help cook desert.

Venturing Challenge Course: Our oldest Scouts, the Venturers will create a custom obstetrical course at Multi Lakes meant to challenge the Scouts. Challenges there will include Rope Bridge, Rope Climbing, Atomic Carry, and many more.


If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Chuck Williams

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