So, the next step is coming out for a visit. You are welcome at any regular meeting to come and see what Scouting is about. We meet most every Tuesday during the school year, 7:15 to 9:00, at the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington. Check our calendar to see our schedule of meetings. Please send an email to our Membership Chair, Rachael Ayotte (letsgocamping@att.net) so that we know you're coming. While at our meeting you will see how the troop and crew operate as we prepare for our next adventure.
You can also go camping with us prior to joining to make sure that 179 will be right for you. Just ask Rachael and she will get the details for you to help get you signed up to go. Our Camps in September, October and November are set up for visitors, you will form your own patrol, cook your own food, and join in on the great Troop 179 activities. We camp most every month and welcome visitors to most all of them.
Whether you're a Webelos Scout or have never been a Scout, you are always welcome to come to a meeting or go camping with us.
Parents Orientation Night When a Scout Joins our Troop or Crew they get right to work on learning how Scouting works and start working on their first rank "Scout". Twice a year we hold a special Parents Orientation to help parents learn more about Scouting, Troop 179 and Crew 179. On these nights you will learn the inner workings of our organization and why we do the things we do. This year's Parent Orientation Meetings are on February 25, 2025, and August 19, 2025. No matter what time of year you join we ask that all new parents join us on one of these nights.
11 Years Old or Graduated from the 5th Grade
14 Years Old or Graduated from the 8th Grade
We meet most Tuesday nights from 7:15 to 9:00 pm. Come visit us at any meeting to learn more about the adventures 179 is going on and how you can be a part of them. Check our calendar for exact meeting dates.
To Contact our Membership Committee Email
Rachael Ayotte - letsgocamping@att.net
Troop 179 Meets at First Presbyterian Church of Farmington, 11 Mile and Farmington Roads