Both Boy & Girl Troops
At 179 we are a full service Boy Scouts of America program. We have a Scouts BSA Troop for Girls and a Scout BSA Troop for boys. Whether your in the Boy or Girl troop you will join a Patrol of about 8 other Scouts. Both troops meet and camp side by side and do all the same activities. When you join Troop 179 your patrol will first learn from our Scouting experts (the Ventures) how to live in the outdoors including camping, hiking, cooking, building fires, using wood tools, learning how to save a life and learning to be a Scout. You will earn Scouts BSA ranks starting at Scout, then to Tenderfoot, next is Second Class, until you finally arrive at being a First Class Scout. After First Class you will attend activities designed to help you grow as a leader. You will earn Merit Badges (over 100 to choose from) to expand your knowledge. You will continue to help the community by completing service projects. You will be well on the path to becoming an Eagle Scout.
We meet most Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Come visit us at any meeting to learn more about the adventures 179 is going on and how you can be a part of them. Check our calendar for exact meeting dates.
To Contact our Membership Committee Email
Rachael Ayotte -
Troop 179 Meets at
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington 11 Mile and Farmington Roads