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179 Is always looking to help out when needed. We have some youth willing to serve as Den Chiefs. We can come to your Den Meetings and teach a particular Scout Skill or just talk to your Webelos about why they should become a Scout. We put on several Webelos Adventure badges every Fall season. We are home to the original Webelosfest celebrating 32 years of Webelosfest Camping. We also hosts Open Houses for your Scouts and Parents to come to a meeting and see the fun first hand!

You are welcome at any regular meeting to come and see what Scouting is all about. We meet most every Tuesday during the school year, 7:15 to 9:00, at the First Presbyterian Church of Farmington or on ZOOM. Check our calendar to see our schedule of meetings. Please send an email to our Membership Chair, John Klehm (jklehm@comcast.net) so that we know your coming. While at our meeting you will see how the troop and crew operate as we prepare for our next adventure.

You can also go camping with us prior to joining to make sure that 179 will be right for you. Just ask John and he will get the details for you to help get you signed up to go.


Webelosfest is an outdoor weekend designed to introduce youth to our programs and many of the skills that are used by our Scouts monthly. Webelosfest is open to all Webelos, AOL Scouts and any 5th grade youth regardless of whether they have been a Cub Scout or not. Click HERE for more information.

Webelos Adventures are Den Meetings and activities ran by the 179 Venturers and designed to help you with earning some Webelos and Arrow of Light Adventures. In November we will tackle the Webelos Walkabout and the AOL Outdoor Adventure. I December we're on to the Webelos First Responder and the AOL Scouting Adventure. All adventures are held on two ZOOM meeting nights and at the 179 Adventure Day at Heritage Park. An added bonus your Den will participate in our Troop and Crew Opening Ceremony. Tons of fun while you earn your badges! Click HERE for more information.

Open House Meetings are designed for youth and their parents to come to a Troop 179 meeting and learn about the Scouts BSA and Venturing Programs. Youth meet with the Scouts of our troop and crew. They meet with an older Scout and all questions are answered. Parents will meet with Membership Chair John Klehm to discuss the benefits of Scouting and how Troop 179 fulfills the promise of Scouting. There are several nights that we are prepared for youth visiting our meetings: 12/15/20 or 12/22/20, or 1/19/21, or 2/16/21, or 2/23/21 (these meetings are all planned to be on ZOOM at this time.

Join Scouts Night is our meeting open for membership in to Troop & Crew 179. There will be a special Parents Orientation on this night as well as the youth learning how Scouting works and start working on their first rank "Scout". This year's Join Scouts Night is March 2, 2021.

We meet most Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 pm (meetings start at 7:15). Come visit us at any meeting to learn more about the adventures 179 is going on and how you can be a part of them. Check our calendar for exact meeting dates.

To Contact our Membership Committee Email
John Klehm - jklehm@comcast.net

Troop 179 Meets at the
First Presbyterian Church of Farmington
on the corner of 11 Mile and Farmington Roads

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Chuck Williams

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